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Dienstag, 25. Mai 2004
Girls go tech
leteil, 14:27h

Es gibt außerdem auch eine deutsche, dh. bayerische, Girls Go Tech Seite. Bisschen angestaubtes Design, Frau Hohlmeier zentral im Bild, lustige Frauenpower-Sprüche für einen lockeren Eindruck.
Kerniger, weil prägnanter die Ankündigung der amerikanischen GirlsGoTech-Seite im WomenTech-Newsletter:
"Studies show that by age 12, most girls lose interest in math, science and technology and their chance at most future jobs. Girls Go Tech is an initiative to encourage girls to develop an early interest in these subjects and, ultimately, maintain that interest as they grow up to help ensure a more diverse, dynamic, and productive workforce in the future. Girls GO Tech highlights the math, science and technology behind everyday life, and encourages young girls to, "Set your sights on math and science. It's a great way to see the world." www.girlsgotech.org is an interactive website which provides activities that encourage girls to become interested in how things work."
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Zutritt verboten
leteil, 11:55h
Girls go tech macht Werbung, die man nicht sehen darf:
You don't have permission to access /campaigns/girls_go_tech/ on this server."
Neue komplizierte Moralvorstellung da drüben wieder? ;-)
You don't have permission to access /campaigns/girls_go_tech/ on this server."
Neue komplizierte Moralvorstellung da drüben wieder? ;-)
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