
Freitag, 8. Oktober 2004
Alter Link kapott
The "Molecule of the Month" website online from 1996 ... has been highlighted in Science, Nature, Scientific American, Alchemist and New Scientist magazines and by the Royal Society of Chemistry.
The website is currently closed.
The Department of Chemistry's Academic Committee have expressed that it is inappropriate for web pages written by undergraduate students and external guests to be hosted on the departmental web server. Therefore the website has become unsustainable in its current form.

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Ich war mit dir in Pontigny und Autun, im Tessin und auf Sylt, auf der Documenta und in Kunsthallen, bei Shakespeare, Schubert und Bruckner, beim Japaner und beim Hähnchengrill, doch du dachtest nur an deine Frisur und welche Farbe du für deinen Sofabezug nimmst.

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