
Freitag, 10. Dezember 2004
Das wahre Gesicht des Weihnachtsmarktes
"Der Weihnachsmarkt ist die getarnte Jahreshauptversammlung der Gesellschaft zur Stärkung des Deppen-Apostrophs, des Deppen-Leerzeichens und des Binnenmajuskels. (Mo/Ntropie)

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One day a young Buddhist on his journey home, came to the banks of a wide river. Staring hopelessly at the great obstacle in front of him , he pondered for hours on just how to cross such a wide barrier. Just as he was about to give up his pursuit to continue his journey he saw a great teacher on the other side of the river. The young Buddhist yells over to the teacher "Oh wise one , can you tell me how to get to the other side of this river"?

The teacher ponders for a moment looks up and down the river and yells back "My son, you are on the other side" .

(Vielen Dank an Herrn K. für dieses Beispiel großer Weisheit. :-))

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